
The day is here. The day that millions of Americans dream about, and joyfully anticipate. The day when we watch modern gladiators disguised as monsters of men illustrate our violent societal entertainment values. Yes sir, it's Super Bowl Sunday! Get out the wings, crack open the beers, spark that super blunt, and let's watch juiced up, alpha wife beaters take the field.

Since the halftime committee royally screwed up by employing Lady Gaga over the vivacious, entertaining Migos, I can't help but reflect on past performances to repair my sour disposition. We've seen some great acts over the years; we've witnessed shocking performances; we've seen Janet Jackson's nipple. But while the former memorable performances remain top of mind, how well do you really remember the Super Bowl halftime history? Test your musical and football knowledge by taking the below quiz to see if you remember the past 10 halftime acts!

Rumor has it that if you place within the top-10 percentile, Jon Gruden will personally come to your house, give you a death-grip handshake, and tell you about how much he loves football. Incentives...